Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Maple tree map

Tree-killing beetle arrives in Wisconsin
Emerald ash borer found in Ozaukee County woodlot

Anita Weier - 8/04/2008 2:50 pm
The dreaded emerald ash borer has arrived in Wisconsin, state officials announced Monday.
State officials have been searching for months for the beetle, in order to act quickly against its spread. It is non-native to the United States and has killed about 25 million ash trees in at least seven states since arriving in the U.S. in 2002.
The wood-boring beetle was found by forest health specialists investigating a citizen report of dying ash trees in a private woodlot in Ozaukee County, near the village of Newburg.
'We expected to find the emerald ash borer in Wisconsin sooner or later, but this is still disappointing,' said Rod Nilsestuen, state secretary of agriculture, during an announcement at Riveredge Nature Center in Newburg.
The first invading ash borer in the United States was found near Detroit, and officials speculated that it may have arrived in wooden packing materials from Asia, its natural home
Source link: http://www.madison.com/tct/news/299234

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Source link: http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/sonyatv-plants-tree-orchard/story.aspx?guid=%7B70EC0D96-AE55-41B6-9BF9-7BBE64FD3C33%7D&dist=hppr


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